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Parts Work: A Path of the Heart (2022)

We are delighted to announce the publication of Tom's new book!

Parts Work: A Path of the Heart describes the healing that can occur when IFS is integrated with the spiritual life of the person doing inner “Parts Work.” The transcripts of individual sessions illustrate this process and are accompanied by commentary about the process, both from the viewpoint of the therapist and from the client’s viewpoint.

The idea that Parts Work as a “path of the heart” is explained and then illustrated through these accounts. It reveals that what IFS calls Self shares many qualities with what is described as “heart” in many spiritual traditions. It is my hope that these stories and comments will be of value to both psychotherapists and non-therapists interested in psychological healing and spiritual development. Buy it now!

Advanced Praise
Parts Work: A Path of the Heart

“Since Tom Holmes learned the IFS method from me decades ago, he has been a pioneer. He has added his own creative touches to the model, written a delightful, illustrated book, Parts Work, and has been teaching IFS around the world in places like Korea, Jordan, and Egypt. In this new book, Tom pioneers once again by exploring the spiritual side of IFS, particularly how to access and use what some might consider spirit guides, a phenomenon I have been reluctant to write about for fear that IFS would be discredited in some circles. Wisely, Tom stays agnostic about whether the wisdom they bring is from a metaphysical source or is tapping into some higher aspect of human consciousness. The book is well-written and full of clear instructions and examples of how to help clients access this resource.


Richard C. Schwartz, PhD, founder of the Internal Family Systems Model 





“This book is a rare gift. What makes this book so effective is the way in which Tom has created a clear structure, pulled out key points and summaries, and then used the actual transcripts to fully describe what he is discussing. I can see these inner work examples being equally useful to both therapists and clients who have an interest in understanding the IFS model more deeply.”


Karen Horneffer-Ginter, PhD, IFS-trained psychotherapist,

Associate Dean for Culture/Chief Wellness Officer, WMU Homer Stryker School of Medicine




“Tom’s new book is very clear and accessible, a good mix of ideas that become

more clear and rich by way of the descriptions of parts work sessions.”


Paul Ginter, EdD, Senior IFS Institute Trainer

and Co-Founder and Clinical Director at IFS Telehealth Collective



Winged Heart Press

Copyright 2020

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